International Events
If you didn’t think attending an Interstate Rovering event was cool enough, perhaps you’d like to try going International. With regular Moots, Forums, Conferences and Jamborees being held across the World – you’ll certainly find something to suit you.
Examples of some International events include:
World Scout Moot
The worldwide Rover Moot which takes place in a different country every four years and has been running since 1931.
World Scout Youth Forum
A Forum that takes place every three years in conjunction with the World Scout Conference and enables each National Scout Organisation to send 2 delegates and 3 observers aged 18-26 to participate in feedback sessions and decision making within Scouting.
New Zealand Rover Moot
NZ’s annul Rover Moot which is held over Easter weekend and features a themed program including on and offsite expeditions, a service project to benefit the community, costume parties, sporting events and shooting trophy.
(Jamboree On the Air – Jamboree on the Internet) – Taking place on the 3rd weekend of October every year, although you don’t have to travel overseas to attend this Scout/Guide event, it’s a great opportunity to connect and make friends with others in the movement whilst at home!
For more information on upcoming International Scouting Events and other opportunities such as volunteer Line-Leading, Support Crew and other roles for events such as World Scout Jamboree, check out