Interstate Events
Along with Tasmania each State holds different large Moots each year, for which Rovers from other States can attend. Some of the most popular ones are:
National Moot
National Moots occur once every three years over a 12-14-day period throughout December to January. The Moot is held in a different State each time and generally consists of your selection of a five-day expedition and range of exciting onsite and offsite activities over the two-week period.
Along with Rovers from all across Australia, the event also attracts a large contingent of international Rovers particularly from the UK, Canada and New Zealand.
Tasmanian Rovers are gearing up to host the 22nd Australian National Rover Moot, and it’s going to be held in our own backyard during 2022-2023!
If you’ll be between 18-25 years of age and are interested in attending as a participant, or will be older but would like to join the staff team– visit to register and keep up to date!
Surf Moot
With a legacy of being Victoria’s longest running Rover events, Surfmoot dates back to 1931 and is run every year at Eumeralla Scout Camp in Anglesea, over the Australia day long weekend.
With beach vibes and a beaming sun, Surfmoot is packed full of awesome on-site and offsite activities or even if you just want a relaxing weekend chilling at camp or socialising with Rovers from all over the place, there is something for everyone. From jelly wrestling and waterslides to sunbaking and surfing , you're covered and at night you can let your hair down enjoy the live bands and entertainment.
This year's Surf Moot has already taken place, however for more information on upcoming Surf Moots please visit
An annual motorsport event held over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend at Mafeking Rover Park in Victoria, Mudbash has a massive attendance of over 700 Rovers from Australia and New Zealand who compete to race their Crew vehicles throughout the day and then party throughout the evening.
For more information on Mudbash 2020 please visit