The Tasmanian Branch Rover Council is authorised by the State Executive Committee of the Tasmanian Branch to manage the affairs of the Rover Section in Tasmania. This includes the authority to be self-governing for most activities and operations, be responsible for the development and maintenance of standards of Rovering in Tasmania, to recommend the registration and de-registration of Rover Crews, and to represent Tasmania at National Rover Council meetings.
All Rover Crews in Tasmania are responsible to TBRC and it comprises of delegates from these Crews along with an Executive, Officers, Wardens and the Branch Advisor for Rovers.
The TBRC Executive comprises the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
TBRC also has other specific members, who are not part of the executive. This includes;
Officers – IT Officer, PR Officer, Training Officer and Marquee Coordinator.
Wardens – Northern Marquee Warden, Southern Marquee Warden, North-West Marquee Warden, Raft Warden and Activities Trailer Warden.
Other members who may vary from year to year include;
Regatta Representative, NRC Delegates and observers, Contingent Leaders, and coordinators of specific projects.
Position Holders
The 2024/2025 positions are held per the below list:
Branch Advisor for Rovers
Glenn Maddock (bc.rovers@scoutstas.org.au )
TBRC Executive: (tbrc@tas.rovers.com.au)
TBRC Chair
Sherie Ball (chair@tas.rovers.com.au)
TBRC Vice-Chair
Luke Bosworth (vicechair@tas.rovers.com.au)
TBRC Treasurer
Luke Brydon (treasurer@tas.rovers.com.au)
TBRC Secretary
Brad Thompson (secretary@tas.rovers.com.au)
TBRC Officers:
IT Officer
Kentaro Watts (it@tas.rovers.com.au)
PR Officer
Ali Barry (pr@tas.rovers.com.au)
Training Officer
Ben Deer (training@tas.rovers.com.au)
Marquee Coordinator
Kael Shearing (marquees@tas.rovers.com.au)
Marquee Wardens
North-West - Leven Rovers
North - NARC Rovers
South - Kingborough Rovers
Activities Trailer Warden
TBRC Exec (activities@tas.rovers.com.au)
Raft Warden
Isabel Weiley
Other Positions:
Regatta Committee Representative
Luke Bosworth
Delegates to NRC
Sherie Ball and Luke Bosworth
Observers to NRC
Ben Deer and Evan Eastman-Peck